Natalee Holloway's Stepfather Seeks Divorce` Way to go Joran & friends !
Natalee Holloway's Stepfather Seeks Divorce
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Jan. 5) - The stepfather of Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teen who disappeared in Aruba in 2005, has filed for divorce from Holloway's mother, Beth Twitty.

George "Jug" Twitty filed divorce papers in Jefferson County Circuit Court on Dec. 29. The court filing said the couple separated Dec. 15 and have "such a complete incompatibility of temperament that the parties can no longer live together."
The Birmingham News reported the court filing Friday.
Jug Twitty declined comment on the divorce proceedings, and a phone message left for Beth Twitty on Friday was not immediately returned.
The couple attracted international attention after Holloway, then 18, disappeared in Aruba on May 30, 2005, while on a graduation trip with fellow students from Mountain Brook High School.
The Twittys appeared together during the early stages of the search. As it dragged on, Jug Twitty returned to Birmingham, and Beth Twitty remained in Aruba for almost three months.
After an unsuccessful search, Beth Twitty returned to Alabama and founded the International Safe Travels Foundation. She now spends much of her time traveling to speak to high school students.
The Twittys were married on July 26, 2000 - a second marriage for both.
Jug Twitty filed the divorce papers shortly after Beth Twitty and her daughter's father, Dave Holloway, filed suit against two former suspects in the case, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe. The suit, filed in California, claimed the Kalpoe brothers intentionally caused fatal injuries to Holloway.
Natalee Holloway's Stepfather Seeks Divorce
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Jan. 5) - The stepfather of Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teen who disappeared in Aruba in 2005, has filed for divorce from Holloway's mother, Beth Twitty.

George "Jug" Twitty filed divorce papers in Jefferson County Circuit Court on Dec. 29. The court filing said the couple separated Dec. 15 and have "such a complete incompatibility of temperament that the parties can no longer live together."
The Birmingham News reported the court filing Friday.
Jug Twitty declined comment on the divorce proceedings, and a phone message left for Beth Twitty on Friday was not immediately returned.
The couple attracted international attention after Holloway, then 18, disappeared in Aruba on May 30, 2005, while on a graduation trip with fellow students from Mountain Brook High School.
The Twittys appeared together during the early stages of the search. As it dragged on, Jug Twitty returned to Birmingham, and Beth Twitty remained in Aruba for almost three months.
After an unsuccessful search, Beth Twitty returned to Alabama and founded the International Safe Travels Foundation. She now spends much of her time traveling to speak to high school students.
The Twittys were married on July 26, 2000 - a second marriage for both.
Jug Twitty filed the divorce papers shortly after Beth Twitty and her daughter's father, Dave Holloway, filed suit against two former suspects in the case, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe. The suit, filed in California, claimed the Kalpoe brothers intentionally caused fatal injuries to Holloway.
At April 02, 2007 11:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Not only did these BOYS destroy Natalee physically, they destroyed her whole family and misplaced the life they had together; a life they will never find again.
At August 08, 2007 8:36 PM,
JusticeForNatalee said…
Natalee will never be forgotton. Not ever !
At August 17, 2007 10:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Jug checked out from the circus, got to give him credit for knowing the time was right to dump the wife and her baggage.
At September 27, 2007 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Joran van der Sloot may you rot in Hell.
Hello I am a cousin from Deepak I seen it all
Natalee Holloway had been at the casino, and had been drinking with the Joran Van der Sloot he is as guilty as hell the creep slime vampire bat . The two brothers one called Satish and Deepak and Joran Van der sloot, and I thinks a fellow named Steve all creeps , whom had been arrested about this case in 2006, had a plan. They had done this type of thing to so many other other girls in Aruba before. They were to give Natalee a last drugged drink to go, and Joran was to put a drug in her drink, I think a 'Date Rape Drug". He did. Natalee was not really so drunk when she left with Joran Van der Sloot, she was drugged! by all means Joran had asked her to go with him to see the Light House she was pulled to the car . Natalee was not sure about going and had refused at first , but with the drink and the drug in it, she followed him to the awaiting car like a sheep waiting to be slaugthered. It was just her and Joran Van der sloot, not the rest of the guys in the car , as has been reported by other withnesses. Joran started to drive to the Light House but Natalee passed out cold almost as soon as she got in the car! Joran then turned around and drove to a beach close to her hotel! He parked and dragged her out of the car onto the beach where the other three guys came out of hiding. The two brothers and the Steve guy. They all took turns raping her and when the last brother was nearly finished, Natalee woke up but was very groggy, and the second brother finished, as she started to fight them off. They were very angry and surprised, as one of them who gave Joran the drug, was supposed to give enough to keep her out, nearly all night!They all held her down, as Joran put his hands over her nose and mouth and hit her aswell until she died! Remember, Natalee was very drugged but still managed to fight them off, as best she could. She was a good girl but at the wrong place at the wrong time . She had been tricked and drugged. Other girls had been victims, as well waking up on beaches in the morning light, knowing something terrible had happened to them, but not actually remembering what it was.
The boys had not expected Natalee to wake up, so this was a surprise to them all! One of them quickly called someone the father of Joran van der Sloot and soon another car drove up to the parking spot on the beach. This person brought a black, zippered, coroner's, body bag. They then all helped put her inside. I couldn't see the face of the man who came with the bag, but thought it strange that someone could come up with a body bag so quickly! Next they put Natalee in the back seat of the car who's owner brought the body bag. Natalee was inside the bag and it was dark, so they thought no one would be able to see into the back seat, and I assumed that they did not have to drive far to hide the body.
But fortunate there were other withnesses as well . The first gardener that worked for the Van der Sloot family was said to have been deported he seen it aswell but was sent home to where he came from with some money to keep his mouth closed. He was forced and taken by a small plane, to an island not more than 5 or 10 minutes away, from Aruba, to a 'Compound" in the jungle. The 'People running drug things in Aruba, did not want him to talk since he saw something that night the father of joran van der sloot carrying a big black bag and surely something weird , as he had already spoke to someone, a reporter, I think, and they would have killed him aswell, but it would have looked to suspicious, so they just said he was "deported". The first gardener was from a group of poor people , and came to Aruba to work for the Van der Sloots, in order to earn money for their poor family.So some main "withnesses " gone the drugbarons at the aruba drug kartell, so authorities didn't make any attempt to find him, as they thought he would never tell and he couldn't be found anyway. If those same people thought he had talked about what he saw, they would not hesitate to kill the entire poor family, so that no one would be left to talk! It would be mass genocide! He, however, did talk what he really saw that night to some guards that night , and some other people know about what actually happened. I have to say that at least two of the young men that raped Natalee, and killed her, went straight home after the beach to set up alibi's the bastards.
The First Gardener got up around 4 AM to 4:30 AM, or when ever his usual morning work begins, and that is when he saw the guys with the body bag. He knew something was terribly wrong but he quickly turned around and went back to where he slept until no one else was around. When this gardener, told the wrong person that he saw the Van der Sloot boy at a certain time, I think his first statement was correct. This was his only mistake, and they had to get rid of him. They had no idea he saw them with the black body bag. I cannot tell you where she is buried, as if one of them finds out I have repeated this much, they will try and move it. I just know some very powerful people way up in the island gourvernement with some powerfull influence on that Island helped those guys hide the body and coverup all the tracks.
Poor me I am afraid to talk
The Dutch authorities sent those guys over to Aruba, as they had already been in trouble and they were an embarrassment to the Dutch Authorities. Joran Van der Sloot and the two brothers, would go to school and leave whenever they felt like it rich new kids and you know the rest aswell and the teachers were too afraid to call them on it!
Those three got away with first degree 'Murder' all the time. They finally got into such trouble that they had to be sent away. Joran was back in Aruba, at it again, along with his friends. but fled to Holland to the city Arnhem and sometimes city Haarlem in Holland
You know that the Island survives on it's drug and tourist industry. Many drugs are sent from Aruba. This is why the authorities are so afraid of this story, as they all get kick-backs from the drug money, I know there was a big up coverup meeting there were also six people who had a meeting this year in an Aruba Courtroom.
One included the current Judge. They were talking about the case, and especially about Satish Deepak. They said he was a loose cannon and unstable, and were worried that he might talk! It seems everyone, all adult, in that courtroom, knew what happened to Natalee including the Senior Van der Sloot, who was there in the room with the Judge and four others. They were not in session, as the Judge had his robe open and was standing around with the rest of these people.
Poor Natalee Holloway case is a real problem for Aruba may God have her soul, as she is not the only one who has gone missing because of the same type of action, or drugs. So the Drug kartell warned to sent Joran van der Sloot to Holland They cannot kill the entire Van der Sloot Family and the others that have been arrested, which would probably solve Aruba's problem, as far as the drug business goes.
I have seen that Joran Van der Sloot boy was wearing a blue and white stripped shirt the night Natalee was murdered, and Satish wore a blue T-shirt.
I have to say the gardener said Natalee, is buried under two false floors under the old gray garden shed, on the Van der Sloot property! But because if they catch wind me talking, the body will surely be moved! The first floor of the gardeners shed had some pallets for a floor, and under this floor is another false floor that has dirt over it, so it looks like the ground, but if you look closely, you will see two small handles near the edges of the floor that can be taken up. Even the present gardener doesn't know it's there. In this shed is a lawn mower, and a rake, a bucket and some garden tools. There is also a terrible odor that is partially from the fish cut up to fertilize the gardens. This is what throws them off the scent, so to speak. Natalee is not alone under there. There is another body in there with her,
Well may be you can help
my identity must be protected in case this comes out .
I hope you are very careful with this information and I leave it with you, because you seem to be the only one who can help
I am a cousin from Deepak I seen it all
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